The reason of grow in quantity of dispute of birthday danger contract is, sale member the disease that exists in insurant of the oversight when exhibiting property, replace policy-holder to fill in insurance application, still have problem of other history bequeath. 寿险合同纠纷增多的原因是,营销员在展业时忽略被保险人存在的疾病,并代替投保人填写投保单,还有其它历史遗留问题。
Some Legal Issues in the Contract of Property Insurance 试论财产保险合同的几个疑难法律问题
Research on the Subject of Insurable Interest of Contract of Property Insurance 财产保险合同之保险利益主体研究
In the contract of property insurance, the debt of premium is the same as general debts in nature, so the third person should be allowed to pay the premium on the applicant's behalf. 在财产保险合同中,保险费的交付在性质上与一般债务相同,所以由任意第三人代付保险费也应为事理所允许;
While not definitely stipulated in the law, the theory of legal relationship is applied to contract of property insurance in practice. 我国现有保险法在人身保险合同中采用的是法定关系理论,在财产保险合同中,保险法未明确规定,在实践中适用的是法定关系理论。
The principle of indemnity, the cornerstone of several policy systems in contract law for insurance, is a very important principle of the Insurance law, and is widely used in most of property insurance and lots of personal insurance cases. 损害补偿原则是保险法中非常重要的原则,是保险法上诸多制度体系的基石。损害补偿原则在绝大多数的财产保险与很多人身保险中有着广泛的运用。